Republic of Tunisia
Ministry of Regional Development and Planning


Main indicators

Main indicators for the North East region 


Indicators Northeast National
Area Km2 11921 154857
Number of delegations
84 264
Number of communes
91 264
Population at 01/01/2018  thousands 4407 11494,6
Population Density  Inhab./ km2 369,7 74,2
Share of urban population at 30/04/2014   % 81,7 67,7
Crude Birth rate 2016  18,6 19,4
Crude Death rate 2016 5,5 5,5
Naturel Growth rate 2016   % 1,3 1,4
Illiterate of 10 years and over 2014 % 14,3 19,3
Activity rate 2017  % 51,4 47
Employed population 2014
- Population engaged in agriculture   % 7,1 10,5
- Population engaged in industry % 21 18,3
- Population engaged in mining, construction % 12,4 16,2
- Population engaged in services % 59,3 54,9
Number of Families 2014  thousands 1098,8 2740,1
Electricity Rate 2017 * % 99,9 99,8
Rate of coverage of drinking water Network 2017*  % 99 98
Rate of connection to the ONAS sewage system in Communal settings. 2014* % 95 85,9
Number of inhabitants per doctor 2015
592 769
Number of beds for 1000 inhabitants 2017*
1,9 1,8
Number of telephone lines (GSM & mobil) per 100 inhabitants 2017*
11,7 8,7
Number of inhabitants per post office 2017*
14,8 10,4
Number of entreprises (10 jobs and more) 2017
2465 5428
Number of export-oriented entreprises (10 jobs and more) 2017
1161 2377
Number of hotels 2016


Sources :

  1. National Institute of Statistics
  2. Industry Promotion Agency