ENI CBC MED CLUSTER project : Lunch of the capacity building of young NEETs process in the governorate of Nabeul…
Under the leadership of NARC (Jordan) and BDC (Jordan), its partners in the ENI CBC MED CLUSTER Project, currently being implemented in target territories including the governorate of Nabeul (Tunisia), the CGDR took part to the 1st Euro-Med workshop (Amman, Jordan)
Our representatives (CGDR, DDR and CRDA in the governorate of Nabeul) contributed to it by sharing the results of the "FGD" devoted to training dedicated to young NEETs in 04 sectors : Aquaponics, Hydroponics, Agro-food processing, Sustainable agriculture.
Also, the “Mapping” approach of the institutional framework of active policies for the integration of young NEETs into the labor market in partner countries, including Tunisia, was shared by the CGDR.